
Archive for the ‘Lifestyle Dimensions’ Category

The idea for this blog grew out of a talk I gave at Pecha Kucha Volume #31 in San Franciso, “Architecture Has The Power to Transform Your Lifestyle”.  In preparing for the talk, I focused on how architecture impacts your lifestyle, how the choices people made for their homes and simply where they chose to live represented major life decisions with lifestyle implications.

Architecture is only a part of lifestyle – I want to explore the depths of what it really means to live a life to its full potential.  The goal of the blog is to think deeply about how to maximize  lifestyle, and then to act on those ideas.  To focus on those key decisions in life that so impact the way we live and feel.  To think about the little choices we make that either help us on the journey toward happiness or detract from it.  In short, to make the most out of the time we have.

I also would like to invite guest posts.  Please email me any articles you’d like considered.

The Dimensions I’m thinking about now:

  • Mind
  • Body
  • Environment
  • Relationships
  • Career

The current banner image is of my firm’s design of the Semple House Penthouse in Wellington, New Zealand and was photographed by John Veltri.

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